Source code for snakejazz.snakejazz

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This file is part of the
#   SnakeJazz Project (
# Copyright (c) 2020, Martin Chalela
# License: MIT
#   Full Text:

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Listen to the running status of your ~~Snake~~ Python functions.

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import multiprocessing as mp
import os
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
from functools import partial, wraps

# Hide print message at import
os.environ["PYGAME_HIDE_SUPPORT_PROMPT"] = "hide"
import pygame

from validator_collection import checkers

from youtube_dl import YoutubeDL

from . import sounds

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DEFAULT_START = sounds.RHODESMAS["connected-01.wav"]
DEFAULT_FINISH = sounds.RHODESMAS["disconnected-01.wav"]
DEFAULT_ERROR = sounds.RHODESMAS["failure-01.wav"]



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[docs]class SnakeNotFoundError(FileNotFoundError): """Raised when the file can't be found.""" pass
[docs]class URLError(OSError): """Raised when the url is invalid.""" pass
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # PRIVATE FUNCTIONS # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def _parse_param(param, default): if param is not None and not isinstance(param, (bool, str)): raise ValueError(f"Invalid parameter input {param}.") if param is None or param is False: return False elif param is True: return default elif os.path.isfile(str(param)): return str(param) else: raise SnakeNotFoundError(f"The snake file {param} doesn't exists.") def _parse_url(param, default): if param is not None and not isinstance(param, (bool, str)): raise ValueError(f"Invalid parameter input {param}.") if param is None or param is False: return False elif param is True: return default elif checkers.is_url(str(param)): return str(param) else: raise URLError(f"Invalid url: {param}") # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # SOUND PLAYER # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs]def play_sound(sound_path, loops=0): """Reproduce the sound. The library PyGame is used to reproduce sounds. Parameters ---------- sound_path: string, path Path to the sound file. loops: int Number of times the sound will be played. 0: A single time -1: Inifinte loop """ pygame.mixer.init() while continue return
[docs]def get_sound( yt_url=None, yt_id="ahgcD1xjRiQ", use_cache=True, ): """Download the sound. The library youtube-dl is used to download sounds. Parameters ---------- yt_url: string, link Youtube link. The audio will be extracted from the video. yt_id: str, id Youtube video id. Is this is given the full url will be completed as use_cache: bool When True, a sound will be downloaded just once and save it for later use if needed. """ # Build the video url if yt_url is None: yt_url = f"{yt_id}" else: # = for long urls and / for short urls s = "=" if "=" in yt_url else "/" yt_id = yt_url.split(s)[-1] # Build the final output path sound_path = str(sounds.DOWNLOAD_PATH / f"{yt_id}.wav") # If cache then dont't download again if use_cache and os.path.isfile(sound_path): return sound_path # Prepare the parameters needed by youtube_dl outtmpl = str(sounds.DOWNLOAD_PATH / "%(id)s.%(ext)s") ydl_opts = { "format": "bestaudio/best", "outtmpl": outtmpl, "postprocessors": [ { "key": "FFmpegExtractAudio", "preferredcodec": "wav", "preferredquality": "120", } ], } # Download the audio. Dissable all prints with open(os.devnull, "w") as fp, redirect_stdout(fp): with YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:[yt_url]) if not os.path.isfile(sound_path): raise SnakeNotFoundError("Ups! Something went wrong.") return sound_path
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # DECORATOR # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs]def zzz(method=None, *, when_start=False, when_finish=True, when_error=False): """Sound decorator to notify the execution status of a function. Parameters ---------- method: callable Function, class method or any callable object. SnakeJazz will track the strating and finishing event and play the desired sound. when_start: string, path, optional Path to the sound file that will be played at the same instant that the execution of 'method' starts. A new process handles the reproduction of the sound. when_finish: string, path, optional Path to the sound file that will be played at the same instant that the execution of 'method' ends. A new process handles the reproduction of the sound. when_error: string, path, optional Path to the sound file that will be played if an exception occurs during the execution of 'method'. If an error occurs, no finishing sound is played. A new process handles the reproduction of the sound. Notes ----- SnakeJazz uses PyGame API to reproduce sounds. The default sounds distributed with SnakeJazz belong to the respective creators. Rhodesmas: >> Downloaded from """ @wraps(method) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): start = _parse_param(when_start, default=DEFAULT_START) finish = _parse_param(when_finish, default=DEFAULT_FINISH) error = _parse_param(when_error, default=DEFAULT_ERROR) # START SOUND ---------------------------------------------------- if start: start_proc = mp.Process(target=play_sound, args=(start,)) start_proc.start() # EXCECUTION ---------------------------------------------------- # Catch momentarily any exception to determine # if the sound must be played if error: try: output = method(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exc: error_occurred = True raise exc else: error_occurred = False finally: if error_occurred: if start: start_proc.terminate() error_proc = mp.Process(target=play_sound, args=(error,)) error_proc.start() else: output = method(*args, **kwargs) error_occurred = False if start: start_proc.terminate() # FINISH SOUND ---------------------------------------------------- if finish and not error_occurred: finish_proc = mp.Process(target=play_sound, args=(finish,)) finish_proc.start() return output # Return wrapper depending on the type of 'method'. # It's a function if it's used as `@snakejazz.zzz` # but ``None`` if used as `@snakejazz.zzz()`. if method is None: return partial( zzz, when_start=when_start, when_finish=when_finish, when_error=when_error, ) else: return wrapper
[docs]def www(method=None, *, when_start=False, when_finish=True, when_error=False): """Sound decorator to notify the execution status of a function. Parameters ---------- method: callable Function, class method or any callable object. SnakeJazz will track the strating and finishing event and play the desired sound. when_start: string, link, optional Youtube link to the audio that will be played at the same instant that the execution of 'method' starts. A new process handles the reproduction of the sound. when_finish: string, link, optional Youtube link to the audio that will be played at the same instant that the execution of 'method' ends. A new process handles the reproduction of the sound. when_error: string, link, optional Youtube link to the audio that will be played if an exception occurs during the execution of 'method'. If an error occurs, no finishing sound is played. A new process handles the reproduction of the sound. Notes ----- SnakeJazz uses PyGame API to reproduce sounds and YoutubeDL to download audio from youtube videos. The default sounds distributed with SnakeJazz belong to the respective creators. Rhodesmas: >> Downloaded from """ start_url = _parse_url(when_start, default=DEFAULT_URL_START) finish_url = _parse_url(when_finish, default=DEFAULT_URL_FINISH) error_url = _parse_url(when_error, default=DEFAULT_URL_ERROR) start = get_sound(yt_url=start_url) if start_url else False finish = get_sound(yt_url=finish_url) if finish_url else False error = get_sound(yt_url=error_url) if error_url else False # Return wrapper depending on the type of 'method'. # It's a function if it's used as `@snakejazz.decorator` # but ``None`` if used as `@snakejazz.decorator()`. if method is None: return partial( zzz, when_start=start, when_finish=finish, when_error=error, ) else: return zzz( method=method, when_start=start, when_finish=finish, when_error=error, )
[docs]def rattle(method=None, *, zound=None, url=DEFAULT_RATTLE): """Reproduce the sound in loop until the execution is completed. Parameters ---------- method: callable Function, class method or any callable object. SnakeJazz will track the strating and finishing event and play the desired sound. zound: string, path, optional Path to the sound file that will be played during the execution of 'method'. A new process handles the reproduction of the sound. url: string, path, optional Youtube link to the audio that will be played during the execution of 'method'. A new process handles the reproduction of the sound. Notes ----- SnakeJazz uses PyGame API to reproduce sounds and YoutubeDL to download audio from youtube videos. The default sounds distributed with SnakeJazz belong to the respective creators. Rhodesmas: >> Downloaded from """ @wraps(method) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if zound is None and isinstance(url, str): sound_path = get_sound(yt_url=url) elif isinstance(zound, str): sound_path = _parse_param(zound, default=None) proc = mp.Process(target=play_sound, args=(sound_path, -1)) try: # START SOUND ---------------------------------------------------- proc.start() # EXCECUTION ---------------------------------------------------- return method(*args, **kwargs) finally: proc.terminate() # Return wrapper depending on the type of 'method'. # It's a function if it's used as `@snakejazz.rattle` # but ``None`` if used as `@snakejazz.rattle()`. if method is None: return partial( rattle, zound=zound, url=url, ) else: return wrapper