SnakeJazz’s documentation!

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SnakeJazz provides decorators to let you listen to the running status of your Python functions. Most definitly inspired by Rick and Morty ;)

These are the decorators:

  • snakejazz.zzz:

    You can choose to reproduce a sound at the moment your function starts to excecute, when it finishes or when an error occurs. A different sound for each event can be given.

  • snakejazz.www:

    Exactly the same as zzz, but you can specify youtube links and the audio will be downloaded.

  • snakejazz.rattle:

    Rattle from start to finish. This will loop the sound until your function ends. You can either give a local path or a youtube link.

All three of them can be used directly to run with the default configuration. But you can also give some custom sounds for a more enjoyable moment.

Martin Chalela (E-mail:

Indices and tables